Friday, January 14, 2011

Cachoeira da Fumaca Falls

The Cachoeira da Fumaça ("Smoke Falls", once known as "Glass Falls", after the pilot who discovered it in 1960) was believed to be Brazil's highest waterfall, until Cachoeira do Araca was recently discovered in the Amazon. This waterfall is known as Cachoeira do E Dorado. It is 353 m high.

It's located in Chapada Diamantina, a very attractive region for adventurers from all over the world, given its hundreds of caves and waterfalls, and was named that way because the tiny water flow is sprayed by the wind before it touches the ground, 380 meters (more than 1000 feet) down from where it first fell. However, depending on the season, it can be completely dry.

There are two ways to reach it from above, walking 6 kilometers (3.75 miles) from the ecological base placed in the Vale do Capao, or from below, after a three day trek starting from Lencois, Chapada's best known city.

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